第七章 Chapter VII   女性生殖系统 Female Reproductive System

女性生殖系统,按器官形态和功能也可分为内生殖器和外生殖器。 Female reproductive system, according to the organ morphology and function can also be divided into internal and external genitalia genitalia. 内生殖器的生殖腺是卵巢 ,生殖管道有输卵管 、子宫和阴道。 Genital gonads are the ovaries , reproductive tract have fallopian tubes , uterus and vagina. 附属腺体有前庭大腺。 Affiliated Bartholin glands.

第一节 Section   内生殖器 Internal genitalia

三、子宫 Third, the uterus

(一)形态 (A) Form  

子宫呈前后略扁的倒置的梨形。 Uterus was slightly flat front inverted pear-shaped.

(二)分部 (B) Division  

子宫自上而下可分为子宫底、子宫体、子宫颈三部。 Uterus from top to bottom can be divided into three uterus, uterus, cervix.

1. 1. 子宫底 End of the uterus

两输卵管上端凸圆的部分。 Two convex upper part of the fallopian tube.

2. 2. 子宫体 Uterus

子宫底下部与子宫颈之间。 Under the Ministry of the uterine cervix between.

3. 3. 子宫颈 Cervix

最下部缩细部分,又分子宫颈阴道部和子宫颈阴道上部。 Narrowing the lowermost part of the vaginal portion of the cervix is divided into the upper part of the vagina and cervix.

(三)子宫位置 (C) the position of the uterus  

正常子宫位于骨盆腔中央,膀胱直肠之间。 Normal uterus in the pelvic cavity center, between the bladder rectum. 前倾、前屈 位。 Was leaning forward, flexion.

1. 1. 前倾 Forward

整个子宫长轴向前倾斜,称前倾。 The long axis of the entire uterus is tilted forward, called forward.

2. 2. 前屈 Anteflexion

子宫体与子宫颈之间形成凹向前的弯曲,称前屈。 Forming a recess between the uterus and the cervix forward bending, flexion said.

(四)固定装置 (D) fixtures  

子宫需要韧带的固定才能维持正常的位置。 Uterine ligament fixation required to maintain normal position. 固定子宫的韧带主要有: Fixed uterine ligaments are:

1. 1. 子宫阔韧带:限制子宫向两侧移位。 Broad ligament of the uterus: restrictions on both sides of the uterus to shift.

2. 2. 子宫圆韧带:维持子宫前倾。 Round ligament of the uterus: the maintenance of the uterus forward.

3. 3. 骶子宫韧带:维持子宫前屈。 Sacral ligament of the uterus: the uterus to maintain flexion.

4. 4. 子宫主韧带:防止子宫脱垂。 Main ligament of the uterus: prevent uterine prolapse.

(五)功能 (Five) function  

子宫为月经产生部位和胎儿发育场所。 Parts for menstruation and uterine fetal development sites.

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/ 健康 / 医学 / 人体解剖学 / 系统解剖学 / 生殖系 / 女性生殖系 / 子宫 / Health / Medical / Human Anatomy / System Anatomy / germline / female reproductive system / uterus

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