weierstrassP( z, g2, g3 )

The Weierstrass elliptic function ℘ of z and invariants g2 and g3 in Math. Defined as the inverse of the integral

\[ z = \int_{ \wp(z) }^\infty \frac{ dt }{ \sqrt{ 4t^3 - g_2 t - g_3 } } \]

Real part on the real axis:

Imaginary part on the real axis is zero for real invariants.

Real part on the imaginary axis:

Imaginary part on the imaginary axis is zero for real invariants.

Real part on the complex plane:

Imaginary part on the complex plane:

Absolute value on the complex plane:

Related functions:   weierstrassPPrime   inverseWeierstrassP

Function category: elliptic functions