第六章 Chapter VI   男性生殖系统 Male reproductive system

男性生殖系统可分为内生殖器和外生殖器。 Male reproductive system can be divided into internal and external genitalia genitalia. 内生殖器包括生殖腺(睾丸)、输精管道(附睾、输精管、射精管)和附属腺体(精囊腺、前列腺、尿道球腺)。 Internal genitalia, including the gonads (testes), the vas deferens (epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct) and accessory glands (seminal vesicles, prostate, bulbourethral glands).

一、睾丸 A testicular

(一)位置 (A) Location  

睾丸位于阴囊内,左、右各一。 Testes in the scrotum, the left and right of each one.

(二)形态 (B) Form  

睾丸略呈椭圆形,表面光滑。 Testicular slightly elliptical, smooth surface. 后缘有附睾附着,并有血管、神经等出入。 Epididymis attached to the trailing edge there, and there are blood vessels, nerves and other out.

(三)被膜 (C) coating

1. 1. 白膜 Albuginea

包在睾丸实质的外面,为一层致密结缔组织膜。 Testicular parenchyma on the outside, and a layer of dense connective tissue membrane.

2. 2. 鞘膜 Hydrocele

白膜外面,分脏、壁两层。 Outside albuginea, sub dirty wall layers. 其间隙为鞘膜腔。 Its sheath gap cavity.

二、附睾 Second, the epididymis

附着于睾丸的上端和后缘,由十多条睾丸输出小管和一条附睾管构成。 Attached to the upper end and the trailing edge of the testicles, testicular output by more than a dozen epididymal tubules and a tube.

(一)分部 (A) Division  

附睾可分为附睾头、附睾体、附睾尾。 Can be divided into caput epididymis, epididymal body, epididymal tail.

(二)功能 (B) Function  

1. 1. 储存和输送精子。 Storage and transport sperm.

2. 2. 促进精子进一步成熟。 Promote further maturation of sperm.

三、输精管 Third, the vas deferens

起于附睾尾,经腹股沟管入盆腔,在膀胱底膨大为输精管壶腹,并与精囊腺的排泄管会合成射精管。 Starting at the tail of the epididymis, the inguinal canal into the pelvic cavity, at the bottom of the bladder enlargement of the vas deferens ampulla, seminal vesicles and the ejaculatory duct drainage tube will be synthesized. 全长约50cm。 Total length of about 50cm.

精索:为一柔软的圆索状结构,由输精管、睾丸动脉、蔓状静脉丛等被结缔组织包绕而成。 Spermatic cord: For a soft, round cord-like structure, the vas deferens, testicular artery, plexiform venous plexus surrounding connective tissue together.

四、前列腺 Fourth, prostate

位于膀胱颈与尿生殖膈之间,大小及形态颇似栗子,后部正中有一纵行浅沟,称前列腺沟。 The bladder neck and urogenital diaphragm between the size and shape resembling chestnuts, there is a vertical line in the middle rear shallow trench, called prostate ditch. 后与直肠临接,通过直肠指诊,可触摸到前列腺的变化。 After the temporary connection with the rectum, by digital rectal examination, prostate palpable changes. 中老年前列腺易增生肥大,压迫尿道的前列腺部引起排尿困难。 Elderly prostatic hypertrophy easy, oppression prostatic urethra causing urinary difficulties.

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