The Republic of South Africa The Republic of South Africa

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位置 position

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全称南非共和国。 Full name of the Republic of South Africa. 位于非洲大陆最南部,东北与莫桑比克、斯威士兰为邻,北与津巴布韦、博茨瓦纳、纳米比亚毗连,东、南临印度洋,西濒大西洋。 Located in the southernmost part of the African continent, northeast with Mozambique, Swaziland for the neighborhood, north and Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, east, south of the Indian Ocean, west of the Atlantic Ocean. 海岸线长2954千米。 The coastline is 2954 kilometers long.

地理 geography 回到页首 Back to top

面积122.1万平方千米。 Area of ​​12.21 million square kilometers.
境内大部分地区为高原,海拔多在600~1600米,地表平坦,较为单调。 Most of the territory of the plateau, more than 600-100 m above sea level, flat surface, more monotonous. 地势从东南向西北逐渐降低。 The terrain gradually decreased from southeast to northwest. 与莱索托交界处的恩杰苏锡山,海拔3446米,为全国最高峰。 And Lesotho at the junction of Enjie Su Xishan, 3446 meters above sea level, the highest peak for the country. 沿海有狭窄平原。 There are narrow plains along the coast. 奥兰治河和林波波河是南非境内的两大主要河流。 The Orange River and the Limpopo River are two major rivers in South Africa.

气候 climate 回到页首 Back to top

属大陆性的亚热带气候,各地气候差异很大,极富变化。 Is a continental subtropical climate, climate varies widely, very varied. 夏季平均气温2124,冬季平均气温。 Summer average temperature of 2124, the average winter temperature. 年平均降水量600毫米。 The average annual rainfall is 600 mm.

资源 Resources 回到页首 Back to top

矿藏资源丰富,金、铂族金属、锰、钒、铬、硅铝酸盐的储量居世界首位,金刚石、磷酸盐、锑、蛭石等储量丰富。 Rich in mineral resources, gold, platinum group metals, manganese, vanadium, chromium, aluminosilicate reserves ranks first in the world, diamond, phosphate, antimony, vermiculite and other reserves.

政区 District 回到页首 Back to top

全国划分为9个省。 The country is divided into nine provinces.

历史 history 回到页首 Back to top

公元17世纪中叶后,荷兰和英国殖民者先后入侵。 After the mid-17th century, the Dutch and British colonists invaded. 1910年建立南非联邦,成为英国的自治领地。 In 1910 the establishment of the South African Confederation, became the British autonomous territories. 1961年5月成立南非共和国。 May 1961 the establishment of the Republic of South Africa.

国庆5月31日。 National Day May 31st.

人口 population 回到页首 Back to top

人口4213万,主要为黑种人,占总人口的77%。 Population of 42.13 million, mainly black species, accounting for 77% of the total population.

官方语言为英语和南非荷兰语。 The official languages ​​are English and Afrikaans.

居民多信奉基督教新教、天主教。 Residents believe in Christian Protestantism, Catholicism.

经济 economic 回到页首 Back to top

南非为非洲经济发展水平最高的国家。 South Africa is the country with the highest level of economic development in Africa. 矿业、制造业、建筑业和能源工业为经济重要部门。 Mining, manufacturing, construction and energy industries are important sectors of the economy. 南非为世界上最大的黄金生产国和出口国。 South Africa is the world's largest gold producer and exporter. 农产品有玉米、小麦、高粱、棉花等。 Agricultural products are corn, wheat, sorghum, cotton and so on. 畜牧业以养羊业为主。 Animal husbandry to sheep industry. 电力工业、旅游业也较发达。 Power industry, tourism is also more developed. 国内生产总值约合1335亿美元。 The gross domestic product (GDP) is about $ 133.5 billion. 主要出口商品有黄金、羊毛等。 The main export commodities are gold, wool and so on. 进口商品主要为机械交通设备、石油、化工产品等。 Imported goods mainly for mechanical transport equipment, petroleum, chemical products.

对外贸易总额约561亿美元。 Foreign trade amounted to approximately $ 56.1 billion.

通用货币为兰特。 Universal currency is rand.

军事 military 回到页首 Back to top

兵役制度 志愿兵役制,服役期2~6年。 Military service system Volunteer service system, service period of 2 to 6 years.

总兵力 现役部队8.24万人 The total strength of the active forces of 82,400 people

陆军 约5.86万人(包括白人1.11万人、黑人4.19万人,亚洲有色人种5600人,女军人8400人)。 The army is about 58,600 people (including 11.11 million people, 43,900 blacks, 5600 Asian people and 8400 female soldiers). 编有9个军区司令部、1个机部旅、1个空降旅、1个特种旅。 Compiled nine military headquarters, a machine brigade, an air travel, a special brigade.

主战坦克:“号角”约124辆。 Main battle tanks: "Clarion" about 124.
装甲侦察车:“大羚羊”90型118辆、“大山猫”188辆。 Armored Reconnaissance Car: "Big Antelope" 90 type 118, "Big Bobcats" 188.
步兵战车:“非洲獾”1200辆。 Infantry fighting vehicles: "Badger" 1200.
装甲输送车:“卡斯皮卡”429辆。 Armored Conveyor: "Kasperska" 429.
牵引火炮:127毫米、120毫米124门。 Traction artillery: 127 mm, 120 mm 124 door.
迫击炮:81毫米1190门。 Mortar: 81mm 1190 door.
反坦克导弹:“斯威夫特”、“米兰”若干具。 Anti-tank missiles: "Swift", "Milan" a number of.
火箭筒:92毫米若干具。 Rocket launcher: 92 mm with a few.
无后坐力炮:106毫米100门。 No recoilless gun: 106 mm 100 door.
高射炮:20毫米、23毫米、35毫米共267门。 Anti-aircraft guns: 20 mm, 23 mm, 35 mm total 267 doors.
地空导弹:SA—7/—14型若干部。 Surface to air missiles: SA-7 / -14 type of several.

海军 5500人。 Navy 5500 people. 司令部设在比勒陀利亚。 The headquarters is located in Pretoria. 编有潜艇、攻击、扫雷3支舰队。 Submarine, attack, mine clearance 3 fleet. 基地设在西孟斯敦、德班。 Base is located in West Munstown, Durban.

潜艇:“桂树神”级3艘。 Submarine: "Gui God" level 3.
导弹攻击快艇:“雷谢夫”级8艘。 Missile attack boats: "Rachel" class 8 ships.
海岸巡逻艇:3艘。 Coastal patrol boats: 3 ships.
扫雷艇:8艘。 Mine clearance boat: 8 ships.
支援勤务船:41艘。 Support service ship: 41 ships.

空军 1.09万人。 Air Force 10,900 people. 作战飞机116架、武装直升机约14架。 Combat aircraft 116, armed helicopters about 14. 编有2个军区司令部、1个后勤司令部、1个训练司令部;2个攻击/战斗机中队、1个电子战机中队、1个侦察机中队、3个运输机中队、4个直升机中队。 There are two military command, one logistics command, one training command; two attack / fighter squadron, one electronic fighter squadron, one reconnaissance squadron, three transport squadron, four helicopter squadron.

攻击/战斗机:“英帕拉”2型25架、“幻影”F—1AZ型20架、“猎豹”E型11架。 Attack / fighter: "British Pa La" type 25 25, "Phantom" F-1AZ type 20, "Cheetah" E-11.
战斗机:“幻警”F—1CZ型11架。 Fighter: "Fantasy" F-1CZ 11.
运输/加油/预警机:波音707—320型(电子侦察/加油)5架。 Transport / Refueling / Early Warning: Boeing 707-320 (Electronic Reconnaissance / Refueling) 5.
海上侦察机:C—47型8架。 Maritime reconnaissance aircraft: C-47 type 8.
运输机:C—130B型9架、C—212型4架、CN—235型1架、HS—125—400B型4架、“空中大王”200型1架、“空中大王”300型1架、“赛斯纳”12架、C—47型19架、其他型5架。 Transport aircraft: C-130B 9, C-212 4, CN-235 1, HS-125-400B 4, "Air King" 200 1, "Air King" 300 1, "Cessna" 12, C-47 type 19, other 5.
直升机:SA—316/—319型53架(哈武装直升机)、SA—330型63架、BK—117型9架、SA—365型1架。 Helicopters: SA-316 / -319 53 (Kazakh armed helicopters), SA-330 63, BK-117 9, SA-365 1.
联络/引导机:“赛斯纳”185型24架、PC—16型1架。 Contact / Guide: "Cessna" 185 24, PC-16 1.
教练机:C—47型12架、“猎豹”D型14架、T—6G型130架、“英帕拉”1型114架、PC—7型59架。 Trainer: C-47 12, "Cheetah" D 14, T-6G 130, "British Pa La" type 114, PC-7 59.
教练直升机:SA—316型/SA—330型37架。 Coach Helicopter: SA-316 / SA-330 37.
空地导弹:AS—11/—20/—30型若干枚。 Air Missile: AS-11 / -20 / -30 type of several pieces.
空空导弹:R—530/550型“魔术”、AIM—9“响尾蛇”、V—3C“海鲫”、V—3A/B“库克利刀”各若干枚。 Air-to-air missiles: R-530/550 "magic", AIM-9 "rattlesnake", V-3C "sea crucian carp", V-3A / B "Kuqeli knife"
地空导弹:“仙人掌”20部、SA—8/—9/—13A型若干部。 Surface to air missiles: "Cactus" 20, SA-8 / -9 / -13A type of several.

医务部队 6000人(2500名女兵)。 Medical force 6,000 people (2,500 female soldiers). 作为南非国防军的一支独立部队,部署在全国各地,为南非国防军服务。 As an independent force of the South African Defense Force, deployed throughout the country, serving the South African Defense Force.

准军事部队 南非警察12.93万人,装备32架飞机。 Paramilitary forces South African police 12.93 million people, equipped with 32 aircraft.

交通 traffic

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交通运输十分发达。 Transportation is very developed. 以公路和铁路运输为主,空运、水运亦较发达。 To the main road and rail transport, air transport, water transport is more developed.

旅游 tourism 回到页首 Back to top

-- 此项暂空 - This is a temporary flight

城市 city 回到页首 Back to top

行政首都比勒陀利亚,立法首都开普敦,司法首都布隆方丹。 Executive capital of Pretoria, the legislative capital of Cape Town, the capital of the capital Bloemfontein. 主要城市有约翰内斯堡、金伯利等。 The main cities are Johannesburg, Kimberley and so on.

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