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Random Number

Computer-generated random numbers are sometimes called Pseudorandom Numbers, while the term ``random'' is reserved for the output of unpredictable physical processes. It is impossible to produce an arbitrarily long string of random digits and prove it is random. Strangely, it is very difficult for humans to produce a string of random digits, and computer programs can be written which, on average, actually predict some of the digits humans will write down based on previous ones.

The Linear Congruence Method is one algorithm for generating Pseudorandom Numbers. The initial number used as the starting point in a random number generating algorithm is known as the Seed. The goodness of random numbers generated by a given Algorithm can be analyzed by examining its Noise Sphere.

See also Bays' Shuffle, Cliff Random Number Generator, Quasirandom Sequence, Schrage's Algorithm, Stochastic



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Schroeder, M. ``Random Number Generators.'' In Number Theory in Science and Communication, with Applications in Cryptography, Physics, Digital Information, Computing and Self-Similarity, 3rd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 289-295, 1990.

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