If , and the Squarefree part of is divisible by a Prime , then no Difference Set of Order exists. Equivalently, if a Projective Plane of order exists, and or 2 (mod 4), then is the sum of two Squares.
Dinitz and Stinson (1992) give the theorem in the following form. If a symmetric -Block Design exists, then
See also Block Design, Fisher's Block Design Inequality
Dinitz, J. H. and Stinson, D. R. ``A Brief Introduction to Design Theory.'' Ch. 1 in
Contemporary Design Theory: A Collection of Surveys (Ed. J. H. Dinitz and D. R. Stinson).
New York: Wiley, pp. 1-12, 1992.
Gordon, D. M. ``The Prime Power Conjecture is True for .'' Electronic J. Combinatorics 1, R6 1-7, 1994.
Ryser, H. J. Combinatorial Mathematics. Buffalo, NY: Math. Assoc. Amer., 1963.