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Steinhaus-Moser Notation

A Notation for Large Numbers defined by Steinhaus (1983, pp. 28-29). In this notation, \BoxedEPSF{ntri.epsf} denotes $n^n$, \BoxedEPSF{nbox.epsf} denotes ``$n$ in $n$ Triangles,'' and \BoxedEPSF{ncirc.epsf} denotes ``$n$ in $n$ Squares.'' A modified version due to Moser eliminates the circle notation, continuing instead with Polygons of ever increasing size, so $n$ in a Pentagon is $n$ with $n$ Squares around it, etc.

See also Circle Notation, Large Number, Mega, Moser


Steinhaus, H. Mathematical Snapshots, 3rd American ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983.

© 1996-9 Eric W. Weisstein