AI math handbook calculator - Fractional Calculus Computer Algebra System software | list | math | function | coding | graphics | example | help | ? | 中文
+ + + =

Calculator 计算器

    Numeric 数值计算

    JavaScript 数值计算器 numeric calculator on webpage

  1. 数值计算器 numeric calculator
  2. 简单计算器 simple calculator
  3. 科学计算器 scientific calculator
  4. 函数计算器 funplot = JavaScript 图形计算器 + 绘图仪
    ends with the equal sign =
  5. 矩阵计算器 matrix calculator can do limit(sin(x)/x,x=0), diff(x), integrate(x,x), solve(x==0,x), factor(), etc.
    ends with the double equal sign ==
  6. 数组计算器 array calculator

    Java 数值计算器 numeric calculator in server

  7. n(x) numeric function

    Symbolic 符号计算

    symbolic calculator can do numeric calculation too.

  8. Question mark ? calculator 问号计算器 = index calculator 索引计算器, ends with the Question mark ?

  9. Double Question mark ?? calculator 2问号计算器 = AI 计算器, ends with the double Question mark ??

  10. help(sin) - help function in 数组计算器 array calculator:

  11. 极限计算器 limit calculator
  12. 积分计算器 integral calculator = integrator
  13. 解方程组计算器 solver calculator
  14. 符号矩阵计算器 symbolic matrix calculator can do limit(sin(x)/x,x=0), diff(x), integrate(x,x), solve(x==0,x), factor(), etc.
  15. Java Applet 计算器 Applet calculator

    Graphic Calculator 图形计算器

    2D 2维

  16. 画画 draw = drawing + overlap plot
  17. parametric2D = 2D 参数图计算器 = 2D parametric calculator
  18. 函数计算器 funplot = JavaScript 图形计算器 + 绘图仪
  19. 绘图仪 plot = 函数 + 隐式 + 参数 + 极坐标 绘图仪
  20. 极坐标计算器 polarplot = 极坐标绘图仪
  21. 平面图计算器 plot2D = 2D surface 函数 + 隐式 + 参数 + 微分 + 积分 + 极坐标
  22. 常微分方程计算器 odeplot = ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation) solver 绘图仪
  23. 数组计算器 plot(x) with array calculator
  24. 复变函数图计算器 complexplot(z) = complex plot z 复变函数z绘图仪
  25. 复变函数图计算器 plotcomplex(z) = plot complex z in full screen 复变函数z绘图仪
  26. 复变函数图计算器 complex(z) = complex animation z 复变函数z绘图仪

    2D 2维 + 3D 3维

  27. 轮廓图计算器 contour3D = 2D + 3D 轮廓图绘图仪
  28. 参数图计算器 parametric3D = 2D + 3D 参数绘图仪
  29. 线框图计算器 wireframe3D = 2D + 3D 线框绘图仪
  30. 隐函数图计算器 implicit3D = 2D + 3D 隐函数图绘图仪
  31. 复变函数图计算器 complex3D(x) = 2D + 3D 复变函数x绘图仪

    3D 3维

  32. graphing 3D for equation, vector, point, parametric, vector field = 3D 图计算器 = 3D graphing calculator
  33. curve 3D for Parametric Curves in 3D 参数图计算器
  34. parametric 3D for Parametric Surfaces in 3D 参数图计算器
  35. parametrics 3D for Parametric Surfaces in 3D 参数图计算器
  36. 3D 表面计算器 surface3D = 3D 表面绘图仪
  37. 3D 函数3D计算器 function3D = 3D 绘图仪 for Internet Explorter = 3D overlap plot
  38. 3D 图绘图仪 = plot3D
  39. 截面图计算器 section3D = 3D 截面图绘图仪
  40. 旋转图计算器 spin3D = 3D 旋转图绘图仪
  41. the math f(x,y,z) with math3D :
    for explicit surface, polar explicit surface, implicit surface, line, parametric curve, parametric surface, point, vector, vector field, toggle switch, variable, function, variable slider.
    Motion: Velocity and Acceleration
    Ruled Hyperboloid
    Surface of Revolution: Washer Method (Horizontal Axis)
    Surface of Revolution: Shell Method (Vertical Axis)
    Color Maps on a Sphere
    Osculating Circle
  42. the function z=f(x,y) with graph3D in 10 styles.
  43. the 3-dimensional data (x,y,z) with data3D in 10 styles.

    4D 4维

  44. the 4-dimensional equation f(x,y,n,t) = 0 with plot2D
  45. the 4-dimensional equation f(x,y,z,t) = 0 with implicit3D
  46. the 4-dimensional equation f(x,y,z,n) = 0 with parametric3D
  47. the 4-dimensional data (x,y,z,t) or (x,y,z,color) amination with data3D

    5D 5维

  48. the 5-dimensional data (x,y,z,color,t) amination with data3D

    coding 编程 programming

  49. 数学计算器 math calculator : 执行 JavaScript or mathHand code.
  50. 网页计算器 webpage calculator : 执行 JavaScript + HTML code.
  51. 蟒蛇计算器 python calculator : 执行 python code.

    Cloud computing 云计算

  52. Cloud computing 云计算 = Web Address calculator 网址计算器 = Web calculator = URL calculator
    Input your formula x from URL in browser to compute x, and share your computation with URL. please replace the plus sign + with %2b, the power sign ^ with **, as URL did not know + ^.

    All-in-one 多合一计算器

  53. 数学手册计算器 math Handbook calculator = mathHandbook = fractional calculus calculator
    数学手mathHand.com是一款久负盛名的专业级图形化数学计算器软件,被网友称为手机上的数学运算和数学作图神器!它是三合一 = 数学手册 + 计算器 + 计算机代数系统 = 看书做题 + 计算画图 + 编程开发, 支持符号和数值数学计算、解方程、求导、微分、积分、极限、画函数、动画等,最重要的是,数学作图功能非常强大,自动制图,互动放大,还支持查看数学手册。理工科大学生、研究人员,或者正在学习数学,绝对应该一试。 包含几乎我们能用到的一切需要的数学功能,预置了几百个函数。它还有一套脚本语言,用户可以自行编写脚本,脚本语言支持条件、控制、循环等等。不需要下载,转发链接就可以共享互动。

    the Math Handbook Calculator has the function of machine learning. It is unique in the world to solve the function of any order (such as 0.5 order) differential equations. Enter mathematical formulas on the Mathematics Handbook website, click continuously to calculate calculus, solve equations, give analytical solutions and numerical solutions and diagrams, interactively zoom in the drawing, and zoom in with the mouse wheel. You can use it on your mobile phone to learn computing and development anytime, anywhere.

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