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Example of Graphics 制图

Classification by libary 文库


Graphics is coding in JavaScript language on webpage.


    function plot libary

  1. function plot
  2. curve

    mathjs library

    mathjs library is an extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js.
  3. plot(sin(x),cos(x))

    threejs library

    threejs is a cross-browser JavaScript library and application programming interface used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser using WebGL.
  4. cube
  5. sphere
  6. Cylinder
  7. polyhedron
  8. 9 surfaces of parametric function of real variable.
  9. 25 surfaces of parametric function of real variable.
  10. 200 surfaces of parametric function of real variable.

    mathcell library

    mathcell is interactive 2D and 3D mathematical visualizations in your browser! This library and Math power the interactive elements of Analytic Physics.
  11. Graphics - List
  12. Graphics - Rendered

    graph2d libary

  13. graph2D

    graph3d libary

  14. graph 3D
  15. graph3D
  16. data3D

    plotly libary

  17. lorenz


complex - complex math
  1. complex2D
    1. re2D(x) and im2D(x) show for complex 2 curves of real and imag parts in real and imag domain.
    2. complex coloring
    3. color WebXR surface of complex function on complex plane
    4. complex animate(z) or complex2D(z) for phase animation in complex plane, the independent variable must be z.
    5. complex plot(z) for phase and/or modulus in complex plane, the independent variable must be z.
    6. plot complex(z) for phase and/or modulus in complex plane, the independent variable must be z.
  2. complex3D
    1. complex function
    2. Complex Branches
    3. Riemann surface
    4. complex3D(x) for 3 dimensional graph, the independent variable must be x.


  1. math handbook content 2 chapter 10 complex function
  2. math handbook content 3 chapter 10 complex function
  3. math handbook content 4 chapter 10 complex function
  4. Complex analysis

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