function | Description |
abs(x) | Absolute value of argument. |
sqrt(x) | Square root of argument . Equivalent to root(argument,2) |
cbrt(x) | Cube root of argument. Equivalent to root(argument,3) |
ln(x) | Natural logarithm of argument (base-E logarithm of argument ) |
log(x) | Natural logarithm of argument (base-E logarithm of argument ) |
lg(x) | Logarithm base-10 of argument, equivalent to log(argument,10). |
log10(x) | Logarithm base-10 of argument. |
exp(x) | Exponential Function E to the power of argument, equivalent to E^argument |
sin(x) | Sine of argument |
cos(x) | Cosine |
tan(x) | Tangent |
cot(x) | Cotangent |
sec(x) | Secant of argument, equiv. to 1/cos(arg). |
csc(x) | Cosecant, equiv. to 1/sin(arg). |
asin(x) | Arc sine |
acos(x) | Arc cosine |
atan(x) | Arc tangent |
acot(x) | Arc cotangent |
asec(x) | Arc secant, inverse secant. |
acsc(x) | Arc cosecant, inverse cosecant. |
sinh(x) | Hyperbolic sine, Sinus hyperbolicus |
cosh(x) | Hyperbolic cosine, Cosinus hyperbolicus |
tanh(x) | Hyperbolic tangent, Tangens hyperbolicus |
coth(x) | Hyperbolic cotangent, Cotangens hyperbolicus |
sech(x) | Hyperbolic secant, Secans hyperbolicus. |
csch(x) | Hyperbolic cosecant, Cosecans hyperbolicus. |
asinh(x) | Area sine, Area sinus hyperbolicus, inverse sinh(x). |
acosh(x) | Area cosine, Area cosinus hyperbolicus, inverse cosh(x). |
atanh(x) | Area tangent, Area tangens hyperbolicus, inverse tanh(x). |
acoth(x) | Area cotangent, Area cotangens hyperbolicus, inverse coth(x). |
asech(x) | Area- secant, Area secans hyperbolicus, inverse sech(x). |
acsch(x) | Area- cosecant, Area cosecans hyperbolicus, inverse csch(x). |
round(x) | Rounds argument up or down to the closest integer |
floor(x) | Rounds arg down. |
ceil(x) | Rounds arg up. |
atan2(y,x) | inverse of two argument tan |