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Example of Math Graphics 数学函数图

2.5. Surface 3D


    3D surface

  1. graph 3D plotted with graph3D(x)


  2. a surface of 200 parametric functions in 3D to change surface by refresh of webpage.
  3. surfaces25 of 25 parametric functions in 3D.
  4. surfaces9 of 9 parametric functions in 3D, to change surface by refresh of webpage.
  5. surface3D(x)

  6. solar 3D 互动太阳系 solar system 编辑 edit

    正弦函数 sin(x)

    园锥 cone

  7. rose 玫瑰花 编辑 edit

    love u 我爱你 编辑 edit

    sea 可以升降的海水 编辑 edit

  8. solar 3D 互动太阳系
  9. galaxy 3D 互动星系
  10. bianchi-pinkall-animation
  11. bianchi-pinkall-animation zoomed
  12. Metaballs

    function3D 函数3D 立体图

    The function3D( ) plots a function in 3D space by Internet Browser IE
  13. function3D( ) - function3D(x*y) - function3D(x*x, sin(x)) two surfaces overlap

    The following plot functions did not work on Microsoft IE and QQ browsers. Please use Google Chrome browser.

    plot3D(x*y), contour3D(x*y), wireframe3D(x*y), implicit3D(x*y*z), complex3D(x), parametric3D(t,t,t), parametric3Dxy(x,y,x*y), wireframe3Dxy(x,y,x*y), spin3D(x)
    立体图, 立体外形图, 立体线框图, 立体隐函数图, 复数图, 立体参数图t, 立体参数图xy, 立体线框图xy, 旋转图3D

    Notice that Microsoft Internet Explorer IE did not support svg, so IE cannot show following graph, please use other browrer.

    plot3D 制图3D

    The plot3D( ) plots a function, implicit function, parametric function in 3D graph. The figure can be rotated by clicking and dragging with a mouse or swiping on a touch device, as well as zoomed in or out with a mouse wheel or pinching on a touch device. All 3D graphes are interactive, zoom by mouse wheel, and animation by clicking the spin checkbox.

  14. plot3D( 2*sin(x)*sin(y) )

    spin3D( sin(x) )

    complex3D( sin(x) )

  15. implicit3D( cos(x)+cos(y)+cos(z)=0 )

    wireframe3D( cos(x)*cos(y),cos(x)*sin(y),sin(x) )

    paremetric3D( cos(x)*cos(y),cos(x)*sin(y),sin(x) )
    2参数x y立体图

  16. plot3D( )

    plot3D plot with 1,2,3 variables

  17. Proper spherical harmonics in 3D
  18. harmonic
  19. heart
  20. sinc(x,y) in 3D graph
  21. sin(x*y) in 3D graph
  22. sin(omega * x*y) in 3D graph
  23. tori
  24. complex
  25. Complex-Logarithm
  26. step function
  27. torus
  28. 3 spheres
  29. 27 cubes
  30. x3D

  31. complex function in 3D with complex3D(sqrt(x)) for 20 graphes in one plot.
    More examples in complex function

  32. surface in 3D with plot3D(sin(x))
  33. contour in 3D with contour3D(x*y)
  34. wireframe in 3D with wireframe3D(x*y)
  35. a line in 3D space with parametric3D(x*x)
    More examples in space curve in 3D
  36. a column in 3D space with parametric3D(x*x+y*y-1)
  37. implicit3D graphically solve the 3-dimensional equation


  38. a surface of 200 parametric functions in 3D to change surface by refresh of webpage.

    1 equation f(x,y,z)=0

  39. parametric3D(x*x-y*y-1)
  40. parametric3D(y-sin(x))

    3 equations with 2 variables x and y or u and v

  41. Umbilic torus
  42. parametric3D(x,y,x*y)
  43. paremetric3D( cos(x)*cos(y),cos(x)*sin(y),sin(x)*y ) 2参数x y立体图
  44. Twisted torus: parameter x and y
  45. Cross cap: parameter u and v
  46. Parametric Surfaces 25 parametric equations
  47. Parametric Surfaces 100 parametric equations

    3 equations with 3 variables x and y and n or u and v and tau

  48. helicoid
  49. parametric3D( sinh(u)*sin(v),sinh(u)*cos(v),10*n*v ) change n


  50. wireframe3D(x,y,x*y)
  51. wireframe3D( cos(x)*cos(y),cos(x)*sin(y),sin(x) ) 2参数立体图

    implicit3D 隐函数图3D for equation f(x,y,z)=0

    Here are some particularly nice examples by plot function
  52. implicit3D( )

    You may find here some examples of algebraic surfaces plotted with implicit3D.

    If you click on a small image, you will have the menu of the plotter with the equation of the surfaces already loaded. Which will allow you to plot a bigger image of the surface, while playing with the parameters (colors, viewing angles, zoom, spin, etc). All 3D graphes are interactive, zoom by mouse wheel, and animation by clicking the spin checkbox.

  53. x2+y2-z2=0 Quadratic cone.
  54. x2+y2+z2+2x y z=1 Cubic with 4 singular points.
  55. x4+y4+z4+5x y z=0 A quartic surface with 4 branches touching at the origine.
  56. x3+y3+z3=(x+y+z) a cubic surface with rotation.
  57. x2 y2+y2 z2+z2 x2=(x2+y2+z2-0.75) a quartic surface.
  58. cos(x)+cos(y)+cos(z) = 0 Schwarz Primitive Surface

    It plots animation by clicking the spin checkbox.

    implicit3D( ): The implicit function graph 3D for the equation f(x, y, z, t) = 0 of the 4-dimensional object (x, y, z, t) in 3D space.

    The implicit3D( ) can plot a 4-dimensional (x,y,z,t) object in 3D space. You manually change the t value by slider. e.g.
  59. x*x-y*y-z*z-t-1 =0
  60. 4*x^2 * (x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + z) + y^2 * (y^2 + z^2 - 1 - t) Lemniscate
    More examples in Surface in 4D

  61. the 4-dimensional object (x,y,z,t) in 3D space, manually change the t value by a slider
    More examples in Quadratic hypersurfaces in 4D

    section3D for 4 graphes spin different directions

    The section3D(x) combines 4 graphes into one plot,
    surface: z=f(x,y) or f(x,y,z)=0
    1. cut in from x-axis, spin around x-axis. 2. cut in from y-axis, spin around y-axis.
    3. cross section, cut off from x-axis, spin around x-axis. 4. cross section, cut off from y-axis, spin around y-axis.

  62. section3D
  63. x*x
  64. sin(x)
  65. cos(x)
  66. sin(x)-x
  67. x-sin(x)
  68. x**2+y**2=1
  69. (x-2)**2-(y-2)**2

    spin3D 旋转图3D for 4 graphes spin different directions

    The spin3D( ) plots spin of implicit function for equation f(x,y)=0, and its inverse in 3D graph. It combines 4 graphes ( surface in 3D, space curve, plane curve and a curve spins to make stereo ) into one plot:
    1. surface of equation f(x,y,z)=0, spin around x-axis. 2. spin around y-axis.
    3. spin around z-axis. 4. positive value of a curve spins around z-axis to make stereo.
  70. spin3D
  71. x*x
  72. sin(x)
  73. cos(x)
  74. sin(x)-x
  75. x-sin(x)
  76. x**2+y**2=1
  77. (x-2)**2-(y-2)**2

    complex3D 复变函数图3D for 20 graphes in one plot

  78. complex3D( ) plots a function on the complex plane and space, for 20 graphes in one plot.

    In order to plot complex function, you should convert it to complex by tocomplex(x) before plot. Use complex(x) to set variable for complex variable in real value, and Use complex(0,x) to set variable for complex variable in imag value. Get real part by re() and imag part by im(). e.g. convert log(x) to re(log(complex(x))).

    Here are some particularly nice examples by plot function complex3D( ) that show real and imaginary parts of complex function including special functions on complex axes and plane.

  79. Bessel function of the first kind
  80. Bessel function of the second kind
  81. Hankel function of the first kind
  82. Hankel function of the second kind
  83. Jacobi elliptic sine
  84. Jacobi elliptic cosine
  85. Jacobi delta amplitude function
  86. Gamma function
  87. Riemann zeta function

    More examples in complex function


    It plots animation by clicking the spin checkbox.

  88. Paraboloïd z=a*x2+b*y2. One sees the surface deform with the variations of a and b.

  89. Deformation of hyperboloid x2+y2+az2=1. Vertical.

  90. Deformation of hyperboloïde x2+ay2+z2=1. Horizontal.

  91. The Moebius band.

  92. Riemann surface of two sheets crossing each other.

  93. A surface with a singular line, which resembles the precedent one but does not cross.

  94. Deformation of one into the other, for the above two surfaces. Without rotation.

  95. As above but with rotation at the same time.

  96. A plane deforming into a cylinder then back to a plane from the other direction.

  97. A plane deforming into a cylinder then back to a plane from the other direction.
  98. bianchi-pinkall-animation 花环
  99. bianchi-pinkall-animation-zoomed 花环
  100. radar 雷达
  101. FlatTorus
  102. sphere
  103. Cylinder
  104. Metaballs
  105. Lorenz Attractor
  106. a surface of 200 parametric functions in 3D to change surface by refresh of webpage.

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Reference 参阅

  • example 例题
  • function graph 制图
  • graphics 制图法
  • animation 动画 
    See Also

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